The Human Sefety Net, 2022

Alëna Skarina (Siberia 1986 -)
The Human Sefety Net
digital design
cm 100×70

Alëna Skarina is a Siberian artist working in illustration and art in Toronto, Canada. Her style stands out for its hyper-precise strokes and hand-made typography revealing a unique graphic sensibility. The organic contours of Venice and social themes play out in her work with the naive touch of her illustrations. The artwork is about our contribution to the community, The Human Safety Net, a global network of people helping people that found in Venice its home. That is why it focuses on people, as individuals and as a community, in order to create points of encounter, collaboration, discovery and union. And that is how the artist draws dreamy lagoons in which humanity unites the islands, forging a link between environment and human being. Her socially engaged work has earned her major international awards and commissions for prestigious organisations including: Save The Children Foundation, the Alzheimer Society, The New York Times, Die Zeit, Adobe, L’Internazionale and Uncle Ben’s.