Check out the articles promoted by the Archives in the “Bollettino“, the Generali Group magazine published since 1893

Looking back at our roots
(Bollettino No. 7, 2011)
The heads of the Historical Archives of Generali, INA-Assitalia and Toro Assicurazioni are interviewed and recount the most important documents and moments in the history of the three insurance companies.
Read the article here.

Maria Teresa Strozzi’s letters from Ina-Assitalia Historical Archive (Bollettino No. 3, 2014)
A sweep through the eighteenth century maps of Maria Teresa Strozzi, aristocratic with an eclectic personality, engaged in politics and literature.
Read the article here.

WWI: Generali on two war fronts (Bollettino No. 1, 2015)
The memory of Assicurazioni Generali employees who fell during the First World War through sculpture.
Read the article here.
The last issues of the Bollettino are available here. Discover more on the history of the Bollettino on the dedicated page.