17 risultati
Commentaire des polices françaises d'assurance maritime / Alfred De Courcy.
Alcune osservazioni sulla polizza italiana di assicurazione marittima per corpo e attrezzi, armamenti e provviste di navi di legno / Carlo Alberto Zannini.
The insurance of ships. A simple discourse around "How it works" / K. J. Flockton.
Commentaires des polices françaises d'assurances maritimes sur corps de navires / par Pierre Lureau, Pierre Olive.
La responsabilità del vettore marittimo nel sistema dei pericoli eccettuati / Giorgio Righetti.
Institute time clauses - hulls. Report H.R.3 / of the Historic Records Committee by the Working Party [of the] Insurance Institute of London.
Masters guide for maritime casualty / The Nissan Fire & Marine Insurance Claims Departments.
Le garanzie assicurative a salvaguardia delle strutture offshore / Michele Chiarlo, Fabio Rovella.
[non prima del 1973]
Le grandi tragedie del mare : il Titanic / Traian Sofonea.
Lexique des Clauses Corps Anglaises & Americaines
The Merchant Shipping and Underwriter's Association. report of committee presented at the fifteenth annual general meeting of the association, 4th February 1884 / Merchant Shipping and Underwriters Association.
[non prima del 1884]
Papers other than Hull Papers. reports 2 / IUMI, Montreaux 1977.
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