112 risultati
Dati statistici e considerazioni sulle malattie professionali / Ricciardo Ricciardi-Pollini .
A short textbook of medicine / by C. G. Houston, C. L. Joiner, J. R. Trounce.
Die Prognose der essentiellen Hypertonie. Nachuntersuchungen an 4329 Patienten / von Klaus Kühns und Otto Brahms ; mit einem Geleitwort von R. Schoen .
Il segreto della lunga vita. come vivere a lungo! / Georg Gallup, Evan Hill.
I parlamentari medici. dal 1848 al 1922 / Guido Maria Baldi.
Stroke / Edited by Arthur Engel and Tage Larsson ; sponsored by The Skandia Group.
Cancer and Aging / Edited by Arthur Engel and Tage Larsson ; sponsored by The Skandia Group.
Aging of Connective and Skeletal Tissue / Edited by Arthur Engle and Tage Larsson ; sponsored by The Skandia Group.
Alcoholic Cirrhosis and Other Toxic Hepatopathias / Edited by Arthur Engel and Tage Larsson ; sponsored by The Skandia Group.
Statistica Medica. Atti del 4° Simposio di Statistica Medica, Roma 21-22 gennaio 1968 / promosso dall'Istituto Centrale di Statistica e dedicato a "La statistica nelle ricerche sulle malattie epatobiliari".
Elettrocardiografia deduttiva e poliparametrica / Sodi Pallares, Medrano Bisteni, Ponce de Leon.
Regional Enteritis (Crohn's Disease) / Edited by Arthur Engel, Tage Larsson ; sponsored by the Skandia Group.
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