12 risultati
World trends in life insurance / Stephen Wynn.
Die Chancen der Versicherungswirtschaft beim Dritten Alter. in Deutschland, Frankreich und in der Schweiz / Untersuchung von Anny Vernay und Susanne Hagemann = Troisieme age et assurance = Third age and insurance.
The future of life expectancy. Economic, social and medical implications of living longer : Proceedings of a two-day symposium held March 10-11, 1980, Chicago / edited by Linda M. Delgadillo.
Rencontres Européennes de l'Assurance Vie et de l'Epargne. Paris 17-18 maj 1990
European market of life insurance in 1992. Europaischer Markt der Lebensversicherung in 1992 = Le marché Européen de l'Assurance Vie en 1992 / Comité Européen des Assurances =.
L' assicurazione vita alle soglie del 2000 / Istituto per gli studi assicurativi.
The European life insurance market in 1995. preliminary trends 1996,turnover, real growth, benefits, insurers' commitments, life insurance contracts, 1992-1995 statistics / Comité Européen des Assurances.
The European life insurance market in 1997 / Comité Européen des Assurances.
The European life insurance market in 1998 / Comité Européen des Assurances.
The European life insurance market in 2000 / Comité Européen des Assurances.
L' assicurazione dei danni da interruzione di esercizio ; Sull'assicurazione vita in Germania e Svizzera ; Sul mercato assicurativo nel Sud Africa / C.G. Cavalieri ... [et al.].
The finders. how leading life underwriters find their prospects / by Bob Rau.
copyr. 1975
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