70 risultati
Employment and retirement in the service economy. selected papers from the 11th seminar on the Service Economy : Geneva, September 7-9, 1995 / Association Internationale pour l'Etude de l'Economie de l'Assurance.
Gradual retirement in the OECD countries. macro and micro issues and policies / edited by Lej Delsen and Geneviève Reday-Mulvey.
Pensions in Europe 1995 / Comité Européen des Assurances.
La previdenza complementare / Giovanni Pollastrini ; prefazione di Nevio Felicetti.
Pensions in Europe. 1997 / Comité Européen des assurances.
Papers from the 6th strategic issues in insurance conference / organised by the Geneva Association in collaboration Jim Bannister development Ltd, London, October 21-23, 1997.
Le pensioni in Italia e in Europa / Vincenzo Andrietti...[et al.] ; a cura di Franco Peracchi ; presentazione di Enzo Bartocci.
Retraites. nature et défis du modèle social européen : features and challenges of the European social model / conference report organised and chaired by Wim Van Velzen, under the patronage of Padraig Flynn and Mario Monti = Pension schemes.
Social dialogue and pension reform. United Kingdom, United States, germany, japan Sweden, Italy, Spain / edited by Emmanuel Reynaud.
Guida pratica pensioni. 2002 / G. Bonati...[et al.].
Una pensione su misura. guida pratica alla previdenza pubblica e a quella integrativa / Domenico Comegna, Roberto Bagnoli.
Pensions in Europe. 2000-2001 / Comité Européen des assurances.
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