57 risultati
Il marketing dei servizi / Guatri ... [et al.].
Le marketing en assurance / Jacques Charbonnier ; Preface de M. Pierre Dore.
copyr. 1976
Marketing in der Versicherungswirtschaft / von Eduard Delisle.
copyr. 1981
Méthodes modernes de publicité ed de prospection en assurances / G. Martineau.
Modern techniques in the marketing and merchandising of insurance. Report by Advanced Study Group No. 190 / The Insurance Institute of London.
copyr. 1977
Le moderne tecniche di vendita nell'assicurazione. Guida pratica / Bruno Rizzo.
copyr. 1972
Product development. update 1987 / Mercantile and General Reinsurance.
copyr. 1987
Product development seminar. Harrogate [1st-3rd] october 1986 / Mercantile and General Reinsurance.
copyr. 1986
La publicite arme de l'assurance / G. Martineau.
copyr. 1978
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