35 risultati
Profile of the U.S. life and health insurance markets for Caisse Nationale de Prevoyance. confidential draft / Tillinghast.
Der britische und der deutsche Lebensversicherungsmarkteine vergleichende Analyse aus ser Sicht eines deuschen Aktuars / Hans-Jochen Bartels.
Are there GAAPS in financial reporting for the life insurance industry? / by Robert B. Yahr.
copyr. 1980
L' assicurazione vita, perchè? / Vincenzo e Luigi Pappalettera.
copyr. 1976
L' assureur-vie au Quebec. Monographie de recherches de la Chaire en Assurance de l'Universite Laval avec la collaboration de l'Association Provinciale des Assureurs-vie du Quebec / supervisee par J. Francois Outreville et Michel Zins.
copyr. 1984
Come vendere l'assicurazione vita. Elementi di psicologia di vendita delle assicurazioni sulla vita / Livio Cortesi.
copyr. 1975
Connaitre, vendre l'assurance vie / G. Ursyn.
Due studi in tema di previdenza libera e sicurezza sociale ed altri contributi in materia assicurativa / G. Bean ... [et al.].
Emphasis on life insurance industry. CEO survey report
Entry, size distribution, scale and scope economies in the life insurance industry / S. Kellner, G. F. Mathewson.
How to sell life insurance to the great american middle class
copyr. 1978
Industry audit guide. audits of stock life insurance companies : prepared by the committee on insurance accounting and auditing : including statement of position issued by the auditing standards division / AICPA, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
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