178 risultati
A short survey of Swedish insurance activity. Its origin and development : also an introducing review upon some leading features from Swedish history together with general information / Written and compiled by the request of The Swedish insurance association by Rudolf Munter.
Le placement des capitaux de l'assurance privée envisagé dans la cadre de la législation et de l'économie suisses / Ettore Rigonali ; préface de E. Marchand.
L' assicurazione di stato nell'Unione Sovietica / Adelmo Kohler.
Anuario financiero 1960. financial year book / de S.B.B. Seguros, Banca y Bolsa =.
The inside story of the greek insurance market / Alexander F. Tambouras.
A directory of insurance in Iraq
Le imprese assicuratrici. aspetti economici e finanziari / a cura di Natale Petitti.
Insurance activities in the United Arab Republic 1966-1967 / The Egyptian general insurance organisation E.G.I.O.
Die Nationalisierung der Versicherungswirtschaft in Mexico / vorgelegt von Andreas Burkart.
L' assurance en Belgique. 1980/1981- / Rapport de l'Union professionnelle des entreprises d'assurances.
Versicherungsreport 1979-. Jahrbuch der Versicherungswirtschaft / herausgeber Karl-Heinz Rehnert.
Swedish private insurance. 1980-1986
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