213 risultati
Sources of statistics: France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland / by the Statistics working group.
Le troisieme age et l'assurance. une enquete preliminaire / de Susanne Hagemann.
La formation en economie du risque et de la securite des etudiants en medecine, eleves ingenieurs, et etudiants en architecture: une enquete preliminaire / par Philippe Charpentier.
Insurance cycles
The insurance game. a business decision game based upon a simulation of an insurance market / by Knud Hansen.
Recherche sur les risques de pertes indirectes induites par les systemes informatiques / par André George ; avec la collaboration de E. Benejam ... [et al.].
La responsabilità civile verso terzi della attività imprenditoriale. analisi comparata Italia e Francia / di G. de Zuccato.
La situazione e le prospettive del mercato delle assicurazioni collettive in Italia. Group insurance in Italy = L'assurance de groupe en Italie / par Antonio Martelli =.
The economic significance of insurance in an internationale perspective
World fire costs and their economic relevance. a dossier
ASIR Advanced simulation model of insurance and re-insurance operations. progress report / by Lawrence Galitz and Jack Revell ; with the contribution of John Byrom, Alan Tidy and the English speaking correspondents' group of the Geneva Association.
ASIR model. the Imides System Demonstration Run / by Lawrence Galitz and Jack Revell ; with the contribution of John Byrom, Alan Tidy.
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