213 risultati
Short account on a simulation exercise on the effects of inflation on personal and property damage insurance companies. a report presenting the main results of a research conducted for Association Internationale pour l'Etude de l'Economie de l'Assurance, Geneva August 1975 / by J. M. Belloy and A. Gabus in collaboration with E. Sallin-Kornberg.
Simulation model of the effects of inflation on personal and property damage insurance companies. a reserch report for Association Internationale pour l'Etude de l' Economie de l' Assurance, Geneva / by J. M. Belloy and A. Gabus in collaboration with E. Sallin-Kornberg.
A survey of insurance and risk management practices in major european industrial companies. based on 70 personal interviews : and executed by Roy G. Damary with additional interviews by P. Jeremy Holloway and Susan Lloyd, november 1975
Barriers to trade in insurance and reinsurance. a conference dossier / by Robert Carter and Gerald Dickinson.
Etude de la rentabilite des societes d'assurance non-vie en Europe / par Jean-Jacques Rosa.
L' evolution de la notion de responsabilité et ses consequences economiques. une analyse préliminaire / par Philippe Charpentier.
Fire costs in 6 European Countries. a tentative analysis / by R. T. D. Wilmot.
Insurance 1985. a dossier from the conference brain storming organized in Geneva with the collaboration of Keith Shipton Developements limited
Introduction a l'economie du risque et de la securite
A model for measuring the impacts of inflation on motor insurance business. technical report / by J.M. Belloy and A. Gabus.
Staat Sichereit Versicherung. eine Analyse der Politik der sozialen Sicherung in einigen westlichen Industriegesellschaften / durchgefuhrt vom Institut fur Versicherungswirtschaft an der Hochschule St. Gallen fur Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften.
Analyse de faisabilite pour une etude sur les marges de solvabilite et l'evolution comparee des compagnies d'assurances non-vie dans la communaute europeenne / par André Gabus, Jean-Marc Belloy.
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