15590 risultati
Manuale ad uso degli uffici provinciali d'ispezione per le società industriali e gli istituti di credito / Ministero d'agricoltura, industria e commercio.
Die Theorie der Versicherung vom wirtschaftliche Standpunkte / von Emanuel Herrmann.
Trattato sulle assicurazioni terrestri a premio / dell'avvocato Stefano Jannuzzi.
I motivi del Codice di procedura civile del Regno d'Italia e delle disposizioni transitorie di esso / Gaetano Foschini ; Giuseppe Foschini.
Recherches générales sur les surfaces courbes / par C.-F- Gauss ; suivies de notes et d'études sur divers points de la theorie des surfaces ...par M.E. Roger.
Sur une principe que M. Poisson avait cru découvrir et qu'il avait appelé loi des grands nombres / von I.-J. Bienaymé.
Das Ganze des Versicherungswesens / von Louis Schmidt.
JOURNAL des Actuaires francais
Lehr- und Handbuch der Statistik in ihrer neuesten wissenschaftlichen Entwicklung / von M. Haushofer.
Observations on the rate of mortality of assured lives as experienced by ten assurance companies in Scotland from 1815 to 1863 / by James Meikle.
Tables deduced from the mortality experience of Life assurances companies / as collected and arranged by the Institute of actuaries of Great Britain and Ireland ; with an introduction explanatory of the construction and application of the tables and an appendix containing a complete system of notation for life contingencies.
Valutation tables based upon the Institute of actuaries' mortality experience (Hm) table at 3, 3 1/2, 4 and 4 1/2 per cent / by Ralph Price Hardy.
Biblioteca Antigono Donati - Roma
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